
  • Are you a People leader looking to stay updated on the changing dynamics of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace? 

  • Do you want a thoughtful, well-designed way to do it?

  • Are you ready to take your HR career to the next level by becoming a champion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace?

Elevate Your HR Career

with ReadySet’s SHRM-Approved Recertification Courses

Our SHRM Recertification courses have been designed for HR professionals like you—i.e. people with high standards and not a lot of time. Our courses don’t just speak to compliance, they help foster a path towards a culture of belonging, innovation, and growth within your organization.

1.75 Credits


0.75 Credits

Ally Skills and
Bystander Intervention

0.75 Credits

Making Space for
Equitable Feedback

0.75 Credits

Inclusive Culture

1.0 Credits

Inclusive Hiring and

0.75 Credits


Why Choose Our SHRM-Approved DEI Courses for HR Professionals?

As a SHRM-approved Recertification Provider, we are committed to delivering thoughtful DEI education that aligns with the highest industry standards. Our experienced facilitators are experts in the field of DEI, offering practical insights and strategies that go beyond theory into practical action. With our flexible online format, you can learn at your own pace, making it easier than ever to enhance your DEI knowledge and skills while earning SHRM recertification credits.

Ready to Make a Difference?

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to become a DEI leader within your organization while earning SHRM recertification credits. You can enroll and complete the courses today!

ReadySet is committed to changing how the world works. Together, we can shape a more inclusive future and become the change-makers our workplaces need. Join us in leading the way to a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive professional landscape.