Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback
Research shows that the vast majority of employees want effective feedback about their work. However, we also know that receiving feedback can set off fight, flight, freeze, or fawn responses in recipients and that giving feedback is hard for managers. So, what do we do? This workshop will explore tools for both giving and receiving effective feedback and help you cultivate a culture of feedback in your organization.
We present core concepts on growth mindset and reframe how teams understand “feedback” to promote and culture of organizational learning and employee development. We help participants understand how identity and role can impact feedback and offer concrete tools to better give and receive feedback.
Each workshop can be tailored for managers, employees, and leaders with distinct insights, scenarios, and framing. Learning sessions are highly interactive and participatory to encourage active learning and engagement with the material. Workshops will likely include lecture presentation, small and large group discussion, and scenario discussion.
Learning Outcomes
Recognize barriers that make giving and receiving feedback challenging, including identity and communication differences.
Improve feedback receptivity by understanding and managing your own emotional and cognitive responses to feedback.
Develop practical strategies for providing constructive feedback that encourages employee growth and performance improvement.
Foster a feedback-positive culture within your organization by utilizing frameworks that make feedback conversations smoother and more effective.
Practice feedback delivery skills through scenarios and role-playing to gain confidence in giving clear, actionable, and effective feedback.
An exploration of concepts like growth mindset, cognitive dissonance, stereotype threat, reframing and how these impact feedback conversations
A deep dive into how our own personalities, identities, and backgrounds can affect how we receive and give feedback.
Pragmatic tips and techniques on cultivating a culture of feedback within your organization
Methods for making the feedback process smoother and less fraught
Frameworks for giving effective feedback with practice scenarios.
Content May Include
This session integrates self-reflection activities with best practices for effective cultural and communication strategies, for a highly interactive and organization-specific experience. This session is highly interactive and participatory to encourage active learning and engagement with the material. We frequently use scenario “think-through’s,” role-playing, and partner or group activities.