Webinar Highlights: Equity in the Wake of Covid-19

Is your organization struggling with how to appropriately react to COVID-19? Are certain people on your team struggling to cope more than others?

While many companies have already put into place practical protocols to try to keep their employees safe we need to move beyond the tactical and discuss what we can do to support our employees in dealing with the mental health and xenophobic implications of the health crisis

Last week ReadySet’s COO, Rachel Marcuse, and Head of Employee Experience, Paloma Figueroa hosted a webinar to discuss what we can do to support our employees in dealing with the mental health and xenophobic implications of COVID-19.

Key questions to consider:

  • How are organizations addressing the physical and mental needs of their staff?

  • What are the xenophobic, sinophobic, and ableist implications of COVID-19 and its amplifying effect on our employees?

  • How can people leaders and managers better center their teams and focus on mental health, allyship, and inclusive communications as ways to continue to address equity internally?

Top tips for supporting your employees in meaningful ways during this time:

  • Ensure consistent and proactive communication from leadership and by updating and creating new internal policies and practices

  • Leverage managers who are on the front lines of employee engagement as critical connection points for staff

  • Create safe spaces for folks to do their work and alleviate anxiety using inclusive and positive language.

Want to learn more? Watch the entire webinar here!


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